School Regulations
Internal Examinations Standing Instructions to Students
Queen’s College School Regulations (All parents and students are requested to read them carefully) |
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Full Summer uniform: |
Full Winter uniform: |
(a) All students must be in proper attire to attend school. Summer uniform: white short sleeve open-neck shirt (button up, except the first one) with the school badge sewn onto the pocket, and white shorts or trousers. The shirt must be tucked in, so the belt is visible around the entire waistline. Winter uniform: blue blazer with pocket badge, white long sleeve shirt and school tie, and grey flannel trousers. Sweaters must be either grey or navy blue in colour. Except the school wind-breaker (red and white), other outfits are NOT allowed. (b) Students must wear black leather belts.
(a) Students must make responsible use of the school property. To keep tidy and clean, nothing should be posted in the classrooms, on the walls or doors without permission from the school authority.
3. Using of stairs Students must walk on the left side of the stairs. Running is forbidden at all times.
4. Manners and courtesy (a) Students should behave and mind their appearance, etiquette and behaviour both at school and in public at all times. Students must not dawdle in game centres or internet bars.
5. P.E. Lessons/Inter-class or Inter-house Sports Competitions (a) Clothing: Students should wear proper P.E. uniform and white shoes with rubber soles during P.E. lessons/inter-class or inter-house sports competitions. (b) Students must change their clothes in the changing rooms, not in the classrooms. (c) Application for exemption from P.E. lessons may only be granted by the Principal on presentation of a medical certificate. (d) Students, wishing to have friendly matches with students of other schools at the school basketball court, must obtain approval from the Principal.
6. Security of personal belongings It is the individual’s responsibility to safeguard his own belongings. Students having lessons in special rooms must carry their school bags or valuables along with them. Students should not bring to school valuable articles or large amount of money. The school will not be responsible for any loss of such things.
7. Lost Property All articles found are to be taken to the teacher-in-charge, to whom the articles should be reported. A list of articles not claimed will be put on the school notice board at regular intervals. Any property not claimed within two weeks after a notice has been put up may be disposed of.
8. Classroom Regulation Special regulations are issued and explained by the class teacher.
9. Disciplinary Actions Student offenders may be given Major Demerit Points, Minor Demerit Points, Black Marks, Written Warning, Verbal Warning or Detention according to the extent of seriousness of their offences. Students found committing serious offences such as stealing, fighting, truancy, cheating in examinations, being triad society members or insulting teachers are liable to be suspended from school. Punitive records will be printed on school’s reports. However, the school does offer correctional programmes for these offenders through the “Bright Future” Scheme, so as to provide them with a chance of mending their ways.
10. Mobile Phones/Devices (a) Students are not allowed to use any mobile devices to carry out activities unrelated to academic studies, otherwise they will be punished. Students should switch off their mobile devices before entering the school. (b) Students are not allowed to charge their own mobile devices with school’s power supply.
11. Punctuality (a) Students must arrive at school and enter their classroom before 8:30 am and 1:30 pm. Students who fail to do so will be marked late. In the morning, all students must enter the school through the main entrance at Causeway Road. (b) Latecomers should report to the teacher-on-duty or the clerical staff. The teacher or clerical staff will keep their student ID cards for reference. Students should fill in necessary information in the Late Record Book, get the Late for Class Slip and then return to their classrooms. Students who have lost their student ID cards should immediately inform the Discipline teacher-on-duty. (c) Habitual latecomers will have to face a downgrading of conduct mark.
12. Early leaves / Leaving school during school hours No students may leave the school during school hours without permission from his class teacher. Such leave should be supported by documents and parent’s letter. Students should fill in an “Early Leave Permission Form” obtainable from their class teacher and hand it to the minor staff on duty at the school main entrance when leaving.
13. Absence (a) A student requiring leave of absence for urgent private affairs must bring a letter from his parents addressed to his class teacher asking for such leave. Except for emergency, permission must be obtained in advance, otherwise it will be treated as truancy. (b) After absence due to sickness, a student must hand in a letter of explanation to his class teacher within two school days after he resumes school. And if a student is absent for more than one day or during the examination period due to sickness, he should hand in a medical certificate, otherwise it will be treated as truancy or zero mark will be awarded for the examination paper(s). (c) Any student feeling ill must report to the class teacher or to the subject teacher. In case of injury, it must be reported to the teacher or the school office at once. (d) School will not entertain any application for absence during the Post-examination periods* other than those justified with medical certification, otherwise it will be treated as truancy. (e) If a student’s examination results are unsatisfactory and his attendance has not reached 90%, he will not be allowed to take the supplementary examination.
14. Change of address or personal particulars Any change of address, guardians or other important personal particulars must be reported at once to the class teacher.
15. Withdrawal from school Students withdrawing from school must bring a formal letter from their parents. They must also return their student identity cards to the school.
16. Photos on documents For all pictures on certificate, testimonials or other documents, students must be photographed in school uniform with the school tie or the school badge being visible. Photos used should be taken within two months.
17. Free study periods and self-study room (a) For self-study periods, S5 and S6 students must report to and study at designated locations. (b) The arrangement of the self-study rooms will be announced after school starts.
18. Library and gymnasium Special regulations are issued and explained by teachers concerned.
19. The tuck shop (a) Students are not allowed to go to the tuck shop or QCOBA Canteen for food or drinks during lessons, free periods, or when flowing to other classrooms. (b) When the bell for lessons rings, students should stop eating and buying food. (c) Hot beverages and soups must be consumed inside the tuck shop or QCOBA Canteen.
20. Fire When the fire alarm siren system goes off (ringing of electric bell and/or hand bells, flashing of indicator lights), all students must proceed immediately to the designated locations as guided by teachers.
21. Cleanliness (a) Students must not litter in the school premises. (b) Lunch boxes or beverage containers should be discarded into the litter bags along the corridors. They should not be dumped in the classrooms’ litter bins. (c) Students should keep the corridors and basketball courts clean. Eating and drinking are prohibited in the mentioned areas.
22. Prefects and Monitors Prefects and Monitors are responsible for the general discipline of the school and their instructions must be followed.
23. Posters, circulars, bulletins, etc. (a) Posters to be posted in the school campus must be approved by the school, signed by the Teacher-in-charge and stamped with the school chop in advance. (b) Club circulars must be approved by the school and signed by the Teacher-in-charge before circulation. All publications should be checked by the teacher(s)-in-charge and approved by the school before published.
* Post-examination periods are normal school days. Applications for leave during post-examination periods MUST be supported by medical reasons and students have to submit their valid medical documents to class teachers to justify their applications. Ungrounded absence for reasons like travelling or visiting relative may be considered as truancy. |
Regulations Concerning the Use of Lockers
1. No student is allowed to enter the laboratory without the permission of the teachers or the laboratory technicians. 2. Do not work in the laboratory without supervision of the teacher. Do only the experiments assigned or approved by the teacher. Unauthorized experiments should never be attempted. 3. Follow the directions strictly when doing an experiment and note all precautions. 4. Do not take away any object or chemical from the laboratory without the teacher's permission. 5. Never leave experiments unattended. 6. No playing or running is allowed in the laboratory. 7. Eating or other activities involving putting something in the mouth is not permitted. Never taste any chemical or solution in the laboratory. 8. Record the results of your experiments honestly. Do not create data or copy data from other groups. 9. Reagent bottles should be kept in their proper places with labels to the front. Stoppers of bottles must be replaced immediately after a bottle has been used. The bottles must then be put back in their original places immediately after use. 10. Never return unused chemicals to the reagent bottles and do not put any object into reagent bottles. 11. All apparatus should be washed at the earliest possible moment after use, but hot glassware should be left to cool first. 12. Check that there is no fault in the apparatus before using them. Hot glassware must not be placed on cold objects, on water or directly on the benches. 13. Insoluble solids, matches and filter papers must not be discarded into the sink. They should be put into the waste paper basket or dustbin. 14. Chemical wastes must be disposed according to the teachers' instruction. 15. Wash your hands before leaving the laboratory. 16. All accidents and breakage should be reported to the teacher immediately.
INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS 1. Boys must read the examination timetable with care to ensure that they would sit for the examination at the right time and place. Boys who are absent from an examination session must provide a valid reason (e.g. sick leave supported by a medical certificate), or they may take a high risk of getting zero mark for that paper, in which case, their aggregate order of merit may be seriously affected. In the case of abs ence with an acceptable reason, the word ‘ABS’ would be indicated on the report sheet for that subject and the student concerned will not be ranked for the whole examination. 2. After entering the Hall / the Gymnasium / a classroom to take an examination, boys must cease talking. They should take their places quickly and quietly. 3. Boys are forbidden to bring to their examination desks any books or writing paper. Any attempt to cheat may lead to disqualification or deduction of marks and disciplinary punishment. 4. Students can use electronic calculators except the examinations of language subjects. The calculators must be self-powered, silent in operation, and bear the approval label from HKEAA. 5. Boys who enter the examination room after a paper has begun would not be given extra time. 6. Boys must write their class, their examination number (e.g.4A/25) and the subject/paper at the 9. Boys must NOT take away any stationery provided by the school, such as writing paper (used 10. To avoid disturbances, no ball games are allowed during the examination period (during the examination sessions, in between sessions and after school). 11. During the break between successive sessions in the morning, boys should stay in the school premises for revision. 12. In case of bad weather that causes the closure of the school, students should check the notice from the intranet. |