Visiting the elderly and understanding more about dementia (Interact Club)

Led by the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Northeast, 10 Interactors took part in a very
meaningful event jointly organized by Rotary District 3450 and S.K.H. Holy
Carpenter Church District Elderly Community Centre, in which they visited the
elderly who live in Hung Hom who may be suffering from dementia. Prior to the
visit, the Interactors learned about the symptoms of dementia during a talk by a
psychiatrist, and were reminded of things they needed to pay attention to when
talking to the elderly by a social worker. They were also given bags of gifts to be
given to the elderly. During the visit, the Interactors had to ask them a couple of
questions and fill out a questionnaire. They learned a lot about the physical and
emotional problems faced by the elderly as well as their carers during the process.
Finally, they participated in a debriefing session in which they had to reflect on their
experience and share their thoughts about the visit.