第二屆「國家安全教育參訪團」Second National Security Education Study Tour

From December 18 to 24, 2024, five non-Chinese students from our school, accompanied by their teacher, participated in the second "National Security Education Study Tour" organized by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. The study tour included visits to the Museum of the Communist Party of China and interactions with students and teachers from the Branch of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China. They also watched the solemn flag-raising ceremony on the viewing stage of Tiananmen Square. Other sites visited included the National Museum of China, the National Archives of Publications and Culture, the Guozijian,(the Imperial College), the Yonghe Temple, the Shanghai National Security Education Center, and the Sihang Warehouse Memorial of War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Throughout the visit, the students were proactive and showed great interest in the country's system, history, culture, economy, technology, and social development. They enthusiastically engaged in learning and treasured the opportunity to transition from books to real-life exploration. 本校五位非華語同學連同隨團老師,在2024年12月18日至24日參與了由香港特別行政區政府主辦的第二屆「國家安全教育參訪團」。參訪團參觀了中國共產黨歷史展覽館並與中國人民大學附屬中學分校師生進行互動交流。此外,參訪團也登上了天安門觀禮台觀看莊嚴的升旗儀式。其他參觀點包括中國國家博物館、中國國家版本館、國子監、雍和宮、上海國家安全教育展覽館和四行倉庫紀念館等。 同學們在參訪過程中積極學習,對國家的體制、歷史、文化、經濟與科技和社會發展都很感興趣,非常珍惜可以從書本走進實地考察的寶貴機會。