香港非物質文化遺產體驗之旅Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Tour.

On December 7, 2024, our school's National Security Education Team, Putonghua Department and Chinese Language Department ( Support for NCS Students ) jointly organised an event titled "Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Tour." The activities included making of siu-mai and a visit to the "Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Center" at the Sam Tung Uk Museum, which allowed teachers and students to learn about Hong Kong's intangible cultural heritage and to pass on the excellent Chinese culture
本校國家安全教育組、普通話科及中國語文科 ( 加強支援非華語學生的中文學與教 )於2024年12月7日合辦中華文化體驗活動—「香港非物質文化遺產體驗之旅」,活動包括製作燒賣和參觀三棟屋博物館的「香港非物質文化遺產中心」,讓師生了解香港非物質文化遺產,傳承優秀的中華文化