Recharge Week

To give students a break from their busy school life, the Major Concern 2 Committee organized Recharge Weekin the Hall during lunch hours from November 11 to November 13 and on November 15. The activities included the song dedication event, band performances, Chinese chess, Go, recreational games, board games, shuttlecock kicking, movie screenings, tea tasting, and the ever- popular popcorn giveaway. The exciting programs attracted many students to participate, allowing everyone to have fun together and enjoy the performances, resulting in four joyful lunch periods with relaxation and happiness.
為了讓同學在緊張繁忙的學校生活中稍作休息,全校關注事項 二於11/11-13/11及15/11午膳時間在禮堂舉辦Recharge Week。 活動包括老師學生大點播、樂隊表演、中國象棋、圍棋、 康樂棋、桌遊、踢毽、電影欣賞、品茗,以及最受歡迎的 爆谷大派送。精彩的節目吸引了不少同學參與, 大家一起玩樂,一起欣賞表演,輕輕鬆鬆地度過了四天的午膳時間,快樂無比。