National Security Knowledge Challenge 全港學界國家安全常識挑戰賽

On 8th November, 2024, our school participated in the Territory-wide Inter-school National Security Knowledge Challenge 2024/25 (English Category for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Secondary Students), jointly organised by the Department of Justice (DoJ), the Security Bureau (SB), the Education Bureau (EDB), and the Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation. After defeating King’s College in the quarter-finals, our school continued to win in the semi-finals against Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College, successfully advancing to the finals. From 18th to 24th December, 2024, the Top Three teams that have advanced to the finals of the competition will join “The Second National Security Education Study Tour” in Beijing and Shanghai. This exchange event is highly valued by the Central People’s Government and participants will meet government officials. The participating teams will subsequently share their experience at a “National Education Safety Day” event in Hong Kong on 15th April, 2025. 本校在11月8日參與由律政司、保安局、教育局及善德基金會舉辦的全港學界國家安全常識挑戰賽(2024/25)(非華語中學生英文組別)。本校在半準決賽與英皇書院對決,成功晉身準決賽,擠身六強。其後,本校與路德會呂明才中學在準決賽對壘,再次獲勝,繼而晉身總決賽,成為最後三強。參賽隊獲邀出席「第二屆國家安全教育參訪團」,在十二月十八日至二十四日到訪北京及上海,是次交流團獲中央人民政府高度重視,並與政府官員一同前往。參賽隊伍將於2025年4月15日「全民國家安全教育日」在香港舉辦的活動作交流分享。